I'm Vesna, founder of Pantry Culture,

Growing up in an Eastern European migrant family, fermented food made an appearance at most meal times, it was comfort food for us. I excitedly waited each week for the man with the cultured sour cream to arrive so it could be dolloped on my Sarma (cabbage rolls) dill pickles and freshly baked bread, still a family favourite.

After study and working in medical laboratories, then raising a family, my passion for feeding them healthy home cooked meals led me to learn more about traditional cooking and fermenting from other cultures. My journey started with Northern Indian cooking lessons 30 years ago and continues to this day.

I started Pantry Culture after many years of helping people get started on the road to being confident makers of gut friendly ferments with instruction, tools, sharing starter cultures, spice mixes and recipes.

Now medical research on gut health has caught up with the wisdom of our village grandmothers, we can all learn how to make delicious and healthy fermented food, tailored to our own taste, using local and in season produce.

With a little knowledge and some simple tools you can begin your journey.

"We are here because our ancestors learnt to ferment"

a bowl of mixed spices
a bowl of mixed spices
a jar of small cucumbers with a bowl of salt and a linen cloth
a jar of small cucumbers with a bowl of salt and a linen cloth
a cabbage, a cook book with spices and some parsley
a cabbage, a cook book with spices and some parsley

"Giving people the confidence to make healthy food, with more flavour and extra nourishment, in a sustainable way"

The beginnings of Pantry Culture